The Independent Reviews Blinding and Names My Struggle & Blinding Books of the Year 2013
Boyd Tonkin reviewed Mircea Cărtărescu's Blinding, translated from the Romanian by Sean Cotter, for The Independent: Stitched into the multi-stranded fabric of Blinding is a tender, mesmerically precise account of a humble Bucharest upbringing and its formative effects: "The me of today englobes
We've just launched a KICKSTARTER!
Dear Friends: we've been hard at work creating a campaign to publish a SPECIAL HARDCOVER EDITION of Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle: Book One! Consider supporting our KICKSTARTER! With exciting rewards like: a copy of BOOK THREE one month before publication!a special POSTER of the cover
MY STRUGGLE on Flavorwire’s Top 50 Fiction Translations List
Jason Diamond of Flavorwire included My Struggle on his list of 50 Works of Fiction in Translation that Every English Speaker Should Read : One of the great ongoing literary events is the translation of this Norwegian author’s six autobiographical books that, yes,
"Completely Without Dignity": the Paris Review Interviews Karl Ove Knausgaard
Read an interview with Karl Ove Knausgaard and The Paris Review's Jesse Barron here. Jesse Barron: Did the writing of Min Kamp give you what you were hoping for? Knausgaard: I can’t speak for other writers, but I write to create something that is better
Kitty recommends "My Struggle"
Our intern’s cat catching up on Archipelago new release MY STRUGGLE!
"My Struggle" on display at Third Place Books
Third Place Books’ Reading the World display featuring Karl Ove Knausgaard’s MY STRUGGLE!
"Back in this World:" a review of My Struggle: Book One from Paul Binding, in The Times Literary Supplement (UK)
"I was almost thirty years old when I saw a dead body for the first time. It was the summer of 1998, a July afternoon, in a chapel in Kristiansand. My father had died." These sentences occur half way through A