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In Memoriam
Elias Khoury (1948 - 2024)
“Unwavering” is perhaps the word that best characterizes Elias. He was unwavering in his commitment to social justice, in his criticism of the corrupt Lebanese state and Arab dictatorships, in his championing of the Palestinian cause, and in his love for life despite all the horrors he bore witness to in his writing. He also offered unwavering support to his loved ones.
– Yasmina Jraissati, his niece and agent at Raya
Read Yasmina’s full remembrance, and learn more about the life & work of Elias Khoury.
“Literature in translation is essential to the growth and development of writing in the United States. Without the breadth of styles and ideas about form that we get from Europe, Asia, and Africa, we are a crabbed small thing. That’s why I work hard to read what’s available from abroad. And I know of no press operating now that does a better job of packaging and promoting literature in translation than Archipelago Books. Their every release is a gift in my mailbox, and I look forward to them as such.” – Rick Moody
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