Four titles from Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector now available from New Directions
newdirectionspublishing: These Lispectors, as well as The Hour of the Star, are now available as eBooks. We’ve got you covered on the off-chance, hypothetically, you might want some Clarice on your phone and your iPad and your Nook and your computer,
Our favorite untranslatable words
Mbuki-mvuki, a word in the Bantu language spoken in the Niger-Congo region of Africa, means “to shuck off one’s clothes in order to dance” or “to shed one’s clothing spontaneously and dance naked in joy.” Word.
Reasons to love Elias Khoury
We love Elias Khoury over here. You should too. Here are some reasons. 1. He understands Egypt 2. He rethinks the Nakba 3. He was awarded this year’s U.N. Culture Prize
Prehistoric Times: If George Saunders were to write about archaeologists
mcnallyjackson: “I wish,” you whisper to yourself, as you fish around under your desk for that other pungent sneaker “George Saunders would write about archaeologists. In French.” Fear not, oh sweaty-toed self-talker, Eric Chevillard’s Prehistoric Times is out in July, and is
McNally Jackson deems Knausgaard most beautiful man alive
mcnallyjackson: The strangest thing just happened. The Gray Lady just ran a profile on the gentleman above, Karl Ove Knausgaard, whose incredible unforgettable work, [his brilliant novel A Time for Everything is here and the first book of his recently translated
Knausgaard, How much is too much?
penamerican: How much is too much? Norwegian writing sensation Karl Ove Knausgård has been meticulously documenting his life for years. His acquaintances flock to bookstores to find out if they have been included in his latest volume. Knausgård works closely with a lawyer
On Poetry
vintageanchor: “Poetry might be defined as the clear expression of mixed feelings.” ― W.H. Auden, New Year Letter
PEN quotes "My Struggle"
penamerican: “For the heart, life is simple: it beats for as long as it can. Then it stops.”(via Karl Ove Knausgård: My Struggle: Book One -