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Cockroaches and The Child Poet Named Best of 2016 by The Irish Times







Both Cockroaches by Scholastique Mukasonga, translated from the French by Jordan Stump, and The Child Poet by Homero Aridjis and translated from the Spanish by Chloe Aridjis, have been named to a Best of 2016 list by The Irish Times.

Literary correspondent Eileen Battersby writes about Cockroaches that it’s “[b]eautifully written in graceful, lilting prose” but is also “harrowing reading, made all the more shocking by the way life later went on, as if the genocide had never happened. Mukasonga’s life remains dominated by her ghosts.”

Of The Child Poet, she writes that it is a “[g]lorious memoir explaining how a childhood accident created a major Mexican writer.”


You can read the rest of the list here.

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Angel of Oblivion, Absolute Solitude, and In Praise of Defeat Longlisted for 2017 PEN Translation Awards

Three of our titles have been longlisted for the 2017 PEN Translation Award for two different categories.  Angel of Oblivion by Maja Haderlap and translated from the German by Tess Lewis is longlisted for the PEN Translation Award for a book length work of translated prose.  Absolute Solitude by  and translated from the Spanish by James O’Connor, as well as In Praise of Defeat by Abdellatif Laâbi and translated from the French by Donald Nicholson-Smith, are both nominated for the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation.

You can take a look at the full list here.

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Read a Conversation Between Two Translators: Chloe Garcia Roberts and Chloe Aridjis

Chloe Garcia Roberts, the translator of our forthcoming Feather, a children’s book by Cao Wenxuan, interviews Chloe Aridjis, the translator of The Child Poet by Homero Aridjis for the column, The Critical Flame Conversations.  


“I sometimes wonder how different the result would have been had I finished the translation when I first started it in 1993, rather than over twenty years later, once I’d written two novels of my own. I tried to remain as unintrusive as possible and not succumb to certain writerly instincts that have inevitably developed since then. Spanish is the language of my own childhood and especially adolescence; English is more associated with my adult life (my studies were in the US and UK, I live in England, write in English), so there was a kind of translation taking place at other levels too, and I had to reach into my own past and reinhabit a world that existed purely in Spanish—and of course the vanished world of my father’s childhood, since Mexican villages have undergone all sorts of transformations too. Donkeys have been replaced by cars, every home has a television, every family has someone who’s gone off to seek fortune in Mexico City or the US.”


You can read the full interview here.

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Read an Extract from Cockroaches

Our friends at Europe Now have published an extract from Scholastique Mukasonga’s recently released Cockroaches, translated from the French by Jordan Stump.


“I was born in the southwest of Rwanda, in Gikongoro province, at the edge of Nyungwe forest, a large high-altitude rainforest, supposedly home—but has anyone ever seen them?—to the last African forest elephants. My parents’ enclosure was in Cyanika, by the river Rukarara.

Of my birthplace I have no memory but the homesick stories my mother told all through our exile in Nyamata. She missed the wheat she could grow at that altitude, and the gruel she could make with it. She told us of her battles with the aggressive monkeys that ravaged the fields she farmed with her mattock. ‘Sometimes, when I was young,” she would say, “I joined the little shepherds tending the cows at the edge of the forest. Often the monkeys attacked us. They walked on two feet, just like men. They wouldn’t put up with my little friends’ insolence. They attacked them. They wanted to show them that monkeys are stronger than men.'”


You can read the full excerpt here.

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Something Will Happen, You’ll See Named in Favorite Books of the Year in New Statesman

The British magazine New Statesman has included Something Will Happen, You’ll See by Christos Ikonomou and translated from the Greek by Karen Emmerich as one of its favorite books of 2016. The book was selected by Columbia Professor of History Mark Mazower. He praised Emmerich’s “fine translation,” and compared Ikonomou’s writing to William Faulkner.


You can check out the entire list here.

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Read about Konundrum in the Los Angeles Review of Books

Konundrum: Selected Prose of Franz Kafkatranslated from the German by Peter Wortsman, is featured in the Los Angeles Review of Books. The article, called “Kafka: An End or a Beginning?” by Morten Høi Jensen praises Konundrum and Wortsman’s accomplishment in the translation.

Jensen writes that “The translator Peter Wortsman’s excellent and bracing new selection of Kafka’s stories, Konundrum: Selected Prose of Franz Kafka (published by Archipelago Books), brings the author’s peculiar rhetoric to glorious life. ”

You can read the full article here.

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Read a Letter to Donald Trump from Mexico by Homero Aridjis



Homero Aridjis, poet, environmentalist, and author of The Child Poet, has penned a letter to Donald Trump on behalf of Mexico, discussing the great unease with which Mexico views the future given Trump’s penchant for racist and xenophobic rhetoric throughout his presidential campaign. Aridjis calls on Trump to work towards the success of both nations, citing our shared history and the interweaving of our cultures. Aridjis also urges Trump to reconsider his position on the myriad of environmental issues which affect us all, regardless of nation.

You can read the entire article on the Huffington Post website here.

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Watch Scholastique Mukasonga Speak at Festival Albertine 2016


Scholastique Mukasonga, author of the award-winning Our Lady of the Nile and the freshly released memoir Cockroaches, joined Laurent Dubois, Maboula Soumahoro, Darryl Pinckney, and Chris Jackson for a panel discussion titled “Europe and America in the Black Literary Imagination” as part of the Festival Albertine 2016 this past weekend.

If you missed the event, or would just like to watch it again, Festival Albertine has made a livestream video recording of the event, which you can watch here.


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Wayward Heroes is Out Today! Read an Excerpt on the Tin House Blog



Wayward Heroes by Nobel Laureate Halldór Laxness and translated from the Icelandic by Philip Roughton is now officially out and available for purchase. Our friends over at Tin House have published an excerpt of the novel over on their blog, which you can read here.


“Brilliant, bleak, uproariously funny, and still alarmingly prescient, Wayward Heroes belongs in the pantheon of the antiwar novel alongside such touchstones as Slaughterhouse-Five and Catch-22….”

Justin Taylor, Harper’s Magazine