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Scholastique Mukasonga a finalist for FT/OppenheimerFunds’ Emerging Voices Award


We’re pleased to announce that Scholastique Mukasonga, author of Our Lady of the Nilehas been named a finalist for FT/OppenheimerFunds’ Emerging Voices Award.

Read more about the prize and check out the list of other finalists in fiction here.

Winners will be announced at an award ceremony taking place on October 5th in New York.


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Looking Ahead to My Struggle: Book Six at Los Angeles Review of Books

At Los Angeles Review of Books Archipelago translator Morten Høi Jensen unpacks “The Name and the Number,” Karl Ove Knausgaard’s essayistic examination of Hitler in the sixth, and final book of the My Struggle series.

“One of the most eccentric and fascinating texts I’ve ever read, and a dizzying immersion into the mind not of a historian or theologian or philosopher, but the idiosyncratic mind of a novelist. This is a central distinction because one of the many things I felt quite strongly as I emerged dizzily from the transfixed state in which I read the essay was that I had just encountered the strangest and most profound defense of the novelist’s art.”

Read the full essay here.


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Michael Biggins wins Lavrinova Diploma Award from Slovenian Literary Translators’ Association!

His translations include works by the likes of Vladimir Bartol, Boris Pahor, Drago Jančar and Tomaž Šalamun (Photo:

In June, Archipelago translator Michael Biggins was recognized for “his translation oeuvre, his aesthetic perfection, and his role as an intermediary between Slovenia and the English-speaking world” by the Slovenian Literary Translators’ Association. The ceremony was held in Ljublana, Slovenia.

Read more award about the award here.


Michael Biggins’ translation of Lojze Kovačič’s Newcomers is forthcoming from Archipelago next March.


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Tess Lewis & Donald Nicholson-Smith Finalists for 2015 French-American Translation Prize

Screenshot 2015-05-27 17.27.19The French-American Foundation has just released its list of the 2015 Translation Prize Finalists. Among them are Archipelago translators Tess Lewis and Donald Nicholson-Smith. Lewis was nominated for her translation of Privy Portrait by Jean-Luc Benoziglio (Seagull Books), and Nicholson-Smith was nominated for his translation of The Mad and the Bad by Jean-Patrick Manchette (New York Review Books).

Congratulations to both!

View the full list of finalists here.


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Special mention of Harlequin’s Millions at the BTBA ceremony

Harlequin's Millions

The 2015 Best Translated Book Awards were announced at BookExpo America this afternoon, with Can Xue’s The Last Lover, translated from the Chinese by Annelise Finegan Wasmoen, taking home the award for fiction, and Rocío Cerón’s Diorama, translated from the Spanish by Anna Rosenwong, winning in poetry. Congratulations!

The judges also named the runners-up in fiction, among them: “Harlequin’s Millions by Bohumil Hrabal, translated from the Czech by Stacey Knecht and published by Archipelago Books, for the wonderful lyricism of its winding sentences.”


Read more here.