1 thoughts on “Reasons to love Elias Khoury

  1. 4. Yalo is one of the world’s most amazing literary explorations of memory & violence.

    5. His acclaimed novel “Gate of the Sun” inspired a real “Gate of the Sun”

    6. His historical novel “As Though She Were Sleeping” gorgeously creates and recreates 1930s and 1940s Lebanon and Palestine http://arablit.wordpress.com/2012/04/22/elias-khourys-as-though-she-were-sleeping/

    7. That book centers on a female character; Khoury has said he’s interested in “feminizing imagination”

    8. He met Yusuf Idris and was all starry-eyed about it

    9. Like all sensible people, he loves a bit of Mutanabbi

    10. He has brilliant advice on writing

    I could go on, but I thought this post needed at least 10!

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