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Pan Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithuania wins the 2019 National Translation Award in Poetry

We are delighted to announce that Pan Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithuania has won the 2019 National Translation Award in Poetry! The award is given each year by the American Literary Translators Association.

The jury remarks:  “Presented here for the first time in modern English, Johnston’s translation of Pan Tadeusz masterfully captures the exceptional beauty and disarming directness of Mickiewicz’s rhymed couplets. With its riveting narrative propulsion, intertwining plotlines, effortless ironic wit, and lovingly detailed portraits of a bygone gentry, Pan Tadeusz invites comparison with the best works of Byron or Pushkin.”

Congratulations to our translator, Bill Johnston!

You can order Pan Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithuania here.

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