Poems (1945 – 1971)


Translated from by

Published: June 2006





2006 NBCC Poetry Award Finalist

The precision and economy of these translations is apparent, as is Emmerich’s unflagging intuition for rhythm, gravity, and an English that is simultaneously austere and vibrant. Aside from one slim and difficult-to-find chapbook published in Great Britain in 1984, this is the only collection of Sachtouris’s poetry available in English. Its comprehensiveness (over two hundred poems) and the excellence of Emmerich’s work make it an important landmark on the map of European poetry in English translation.
—Poetry Project Newsletter

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Book Description

2006 NBCC Poetry Award Finalist 


Poems (1945-1971), now in its eighth edition in Greece, contains the nine volumes Miltos Sachtouris wrote during the most productive period of his poetic career. The collection chronicles the writer’s reaction to three decades of intense social and political upheavel in a nation experiencing the successive horrors of occupation, civil war, and military dictatorship. Sachtouris’ world is one of primary colors, blindingly bright and slightly surreal; images—of broken glass, of howling dogs, of bloody gauze and people who fly—recurring like totems throughout his work, bind the poems together into a tight unity. Sachtouris’s verses build upon one another to an extraordinary degree, creating a kind of cumulative madness, a paralogical perspective that comes at the world—or flies from it—always at an angle, never straight on.

Karen Emmerich's poignant, eloquant versions of Sachtouris reveal not only the disturbing intensity of the original but also a remarkabel diction and poetic pacing of her own.

Harold Bloom

The precision and economy of these translations is apparent, as is Emmerich’s unflagging intuition for rhythm, gravity, and an English that is simultaneously austere and vibrant. Aside from one slim and difficult-to-find chapbook published in Great Britain in 1984, this is the only collection of Sachtouris’s poetry available in English. Its comprehensiveness (over two hundred poems) and the excellence of Emmerich’s work make it an important landmark on the map of European poetry in English translation.

Poetry Project Newsletter

  • Miltos Sachtouris on the Poetry International website.



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