Evan Hughes Profiles Karl Ove Knausgaard for The New Republic
Photograph By Felix Odell Karl Ove Knausgaard, Norwegian author of the My Struggle series, received a large profile by Evan Hughes in The New Republic. Most exciting to our ears are the hints of a new book in the works: Before I left, Knausgaard told
New York Observer Profiles Publisher Jill Schoolman
The New York Observer spotlights our wonderful publisher Jill Schoolman as a "Brooklyn Influencer
Peter Wortsman wins an Independent Publisher Book Award!
Writer and translator, Peter Wortsman won the Silver IPPY award for his travel essay Ghost Dance in Berlin: A Rhapsody in Gray. For other 2014 IPPY winners, check here. Archipelago Books is proud to publish some of Wortsman's translation work.
Elias Khoury interviewed by Haaretz
Elias Khoury interviewed by Hareetz. Translated from Hebrew by Yehuda Shenhav The novelist Elias Khoury does not believe in the peace process. Religious frenzy dominates the country, peace is still far away, and the Israelis need to experience defeat. In an interview toward the