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Daniel Handler on The Waitress Was New by Dominique Fabre translated by Jordan Stump

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I would like to say something about Dominique Fabre’s terrific and ingenious novel The Waitress Was New, but it’s difficult to do so without resorting to the sort of clichés that the book so nimbly avoids.  “A minor classic,” for instance, or “a charming little book,” although the novel is both these all-too-often-inaccurately-described things.  Nor is it much good to simply sum up the book as a short account of ordinary goings-on in a French café, narrated by a quiet waiter, as it either sounds crashingly dull or cloyingly sweet when it is determinedly neither.  Nor is a  highfalutin approach – “a deceptively detached exploration of the quotidian” – likely to be of service.


These are the novels that are the most difficult to describe, at least to people you don’t know.  They have an odd, vague grasp on the brain.  You usually stumble across them – in a rental cabin, maybe, or when you waitresswasnew
are crashing at a friend’s place and can’t sleep and ransack their shelves in the middle of the night.  They’re short, the novels I’m talking about, because you’re picking them up casually and so have grabbed a quick read, and while they move quickly they leave a slow, lasting effect.  They’re immersive reads.  Before you know it you’re finished with the novel and it’s very late, or even morning.  You spend the whole next day teetering between your actual circumstances and the setting of the novel, your brain dreamy and off-kilter.  And then, usually, they disappear for awhile, these books.  Maybe you can’t remember their titles.  Maybe you remember only a few wisps of plot, some scene someplace, and every so often, with a friend or a bookseller, you try to describe the book but just trail off.  You forget this unforgettable novel until, occasionally, it arrives in your life again, a tiny miracle like a perfect cup of coffee or just the right wine.


The Waitress Was New arrived in my subscription package from Archipelago, nestled between the thicker, more ambitious works.  I wasn’t drawn to it immediately, but I put the novel on my shelf and then impulsively grabbed it one afternoon on my way out the door to meet a friend who’s always late.  By the time she showed up I was annoyed at her for interrupting.  I was no good at talking with her, suddenly, my eyes glazing over and slipping back to the little café and the complaints of the bartender and the slow march of the business troubles threatening to upset the quiet stasis of his life and the life of the whole novel.  My friend left and I finished the novel over our cold empty cups and it haunted me, this plain and simple thing, this sad bit of loneliness and this very human voice.


And then, in the months that followed, I lost track of it in my head even as the book continued to lurk in my imagination.  On more than one night I caught myself thinking, as I drifted off to sleep, that I needed to call up my friend, the old bartender at a café, only to remind myself, foggily, that he was the narrator in some novel I couldn’t quite place, until I was stacking books, a near-constant activity in my room, and The Waitress Was New fell out and I sat on my floor and remembered it, this book I had never forgotten, and read it again right here.  It’s that sort of novel.  It’s a minor classic, a charming little book, a short account of ordinary goings-on in a French café that some highfalutin reader might call a deceptively detached exploration of the quotidian.  It’s the sort of book you can’t wait to find again, and for others to find it for the first time.

BUY The Waitress Was New by Dominique Fabre 


Rick Moody on Lenz by Georg Büchner

Edmund White on My Kind of Girl by Buddhadeva Bose

Dr. Craig E. Stephenson on The Salt Smugglers by Gérard de Nerval


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Dr. Craig E. Stephenson on THE SALT SMUGGLERS by Gérard de Nerval

Salt Smuggers Cover


The French Romantic poet Gérard de Nerval explored the irrational with lucidity and exquisite craft. At the time of his death, he was dismissed as a friend of many writers but not a writer himself, as an emotional and financial failure and a madman. Shortly afterwards, however, his literary fortune changed, and with the publication of his collected works, Nerval entered the French literary pantheon. Marcel Proust acknowledged him as the inspiration for his own explorations of time lost and regained. Antonin Artaud placed Nerval beside Hölderlin, Nietzsche and Van Gogh. André Breton claimed him as a forerunner of surrealism. Modernists working between the world wars recognized the prophetic and visionary quality of his art, celebrating him as a precursor of their own aesthetic. Equally enthusiastic post-modernists claimed Nerval as a pioneer in blurring the boundaries between outer and inner, fact and fiction. Carl Gustav Jung described his oeuvre as a work of extraordinary magnitude.


Thanks to translator Richard Sieburth and Archipelago Books, we now have our Nerval for the twenty-first century. The Salt Smugglers – originally an experimental serial novel, ostensibly an account of the life and adventures of the “abbé Bucquoi” – is a wonderfully subversive book that the writer must pass off as history in order to get by the censors who have suddenly, arbitrarily forbidden the publishing of “fiction” in the press. This is a spirited, playful, and ironic tale that will be held close to the heart by every victim of the new totalitarianism that is contemporary bureaucracy, and who amongst us is not?


Craig E. Stephenson


Author of Anteros: A Forgotten Myth, and editor of C. G. Jung on Gérard de Nerval, an unpublished lecture, 1945 (to be published in 2015 by Princeton University Press).

Click here to read Edmund White on MY KIND OF GIRL by Buddhadeva Bose
Click here to read Rick Moody on LENZ by Georg Büchner
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Edmund White on MY KIND OF GIRL by Buddhadeva Bose


My Kind of Girl  by Buddhadeva Bose (1908-74) is a charming Bengal quartet of tales, a sort of truncated Indian version of the Decameron.  Four upper middle-class men, all professionals, are stranded in a cold train station waiting room all night; they tell each other real-life stories to while away the time. They have been inspired by the sight of an attractive pair of newlyweds who are also waiting hours and hours for the next train.  The couple has hollowed out a little cozy space in which to sleep, but even in sleep they seem tenderly aware of each other.

In all four tales recounted by these elderly gentlemen burns the bright flame of first love, sometimes of hopeless love.  We’re in the land and epoch of arranged marriages, of slender, naive adolescent girls and the young men who dote on them. One girl pines after a strikingly handsome male heartbreaker, but she ends up (happily enough) with the heartbreaker’s best friend, a shy young doctor.
Or a band of three provincial boys fall deeply if innocently in love with a local beauty whom they dub “Mona Lisa.”  The ebb and flow of her precarious health rule their days and constitute their destiny. Even though the boundaries in “good” families between male and female are high, nearly impenetrable, the girls are daring for the period and even hard-headed.  But a kind of sweetness, of decorum, of chivalry characterizes these stories of a past colonial world that preceded Independence, in which the men sometimes wear trousers and sometimes dhotis, in which the children alternate between Bengali (laced with Hindi) and English, in which a poor professor’s daughter is deemed too good to marry a rich merchant.
That the writing has an old-fashioned generality about it and avoids the spikey specificity of our fiction makes it all the more mellow and seductive, the tone of fairytales.  Just as Chekhov’s characters are caught between up-to-date Western ways and retrograde Slavic manners, in the same way these colonial Indians are torn between an English forthrightness and a thoroughly Bengali muted sensuality.
Edmund White
Click here to read Rick Moody on LENZ by Georg Büchner!
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Rick Moody on LENZ by Georg Büchner

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photo by Thatcher Keats

Lenz by Georg Büchner is bit of a mystery on the face of it—it was published only partially as of the author’s death, and was written toward the end of his three-year frenzy of productivity that also included Danton’s Death and the unfinished Wozzeck. Like just about everything that Büchner managed to accomplish during his high period of composition, it is complex, fragmentary, philosophical, uncanny. It is also so heavily reliant Johann Oberlin’s diary of Jakob Lenz’s final days as to rest at the edge of plagiary.

thumb_lenzAnd yet: Lenz is, for the year 1836, remarkably interior, remarkably conscious of the uncertainty or stability of identity. Indeed, the free incorporation of Oberlin’s writings into Büchner’s  story serve as an emblem for the porous self that is the character of Jakob Lenz. Like the character of Lenz, the text commences in a way both sturdy and authoritative, though with a generous serving of idiosyncrasies, and gets more impressionistic and desperate as it goes along. By the time of (spoiler alert!) Lenz’s death it’s sort of impossible to tell where Lenz/ Büchner/Oberlin all begin and end. Likewise, generically speaking, where non-fiction ends and fiction begins. Considering that Austen had not long before put down her pen, and the Brontes were not yet begun, Büchner’s accomplishment—psychological realism of a very compelling sort–has a singular cast to it.

Lenz is a writer’s cry from psychic hell (perhaps Büchner’s, as well as Lenz’s), and a astounding act of drawing from nature, where the nature in question is not hill and dale (though the landscape is in the foreground here), but the soul in distress. The Archipelago edition of Lenz (in Richard Sieburth’s exceedingly graceful translation) fills out this mystery of the original text by preserving the German on the recto, and by including not only the relevant portion of Oberlin’s diary, its source material, but by filling out the volume with some writings by Lenz’s contemporary and acquaintance Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Goethe’s passages supply an important historical portrait of Lenz and give him aspects of self that are unappreciable in Büchner’s text. (Practical joker!) These ancillary materials enable Büchner’s prose fragment to hover forth from its fragmentary immateriality, so that it is more earthly and less conceptual, giving us more freedom to enjoy its stylistic lyricism.

I found myself somewhat astounded by the assault of this work. Like of Heinrich von Kleist before it, Lenz recalibrates the literature of its time, and in this fine translation by Richard Sieburth, with its wealth of supporting material, it recalibrates our literature too, reminding us how unsturdy are these sands of the innermost self.

» Read more about LENZ