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Photos from PEN World Voices

What a weekend of events!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the PEN World Voices events this weekend. Below are some pictures taken by Erling Maartmann-Moe, a Norwegian tourist who dropped by and snapped some photos.

Karl Ove Knausgaard prepares for the reading at Invisible Dog.

More after the jump:

Karl Ove Knausgaard at the PEN Literary Safari in the Westbeth Center for the Arts Gallery.

Karl Ove Knausgaard reading for the PEN Messiah in Brooklyn event at Invisible Dog.

The storefront.

And our own hastily-snapped photo of the Invisible Dog gallery, with Knausgaard at the helm! :

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"Mafeking Road" featured on Storyville!

Storyville features Herman Bosman’s
“Mafeking Road” as This Week’s Story!

Storyville features “one story each week from the best story collections published by commercial and independent presses” and works to “change the way you engage and interact with the world of literature through your iPhone, iPad, and Kindle.”

Download the app for various e-readers.

More info here.