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Peter Wortsman reading of Telegrams of the Soul

A reading of Altenberg’s selected prose by writer and translator Peter Wortsman.

Austra Pop-up
@ Openhouse Gallery
201 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10012

Saturday, October 15 at 8PM

Tickets HERE.

Wortsman will read from “Telegrams of the Soul,” his selection and translation of Altenberg’s work published by Archipelago Books.  

The prototypical Bohemian Coffeehouse poet who designed his own clothes and lived like an urban nomad, Peter Altenberg was  a favorite of Thomas Mann, Arthur Schnitzler and Karl Kraus. He was a virtuoso Fin-de-Siecle Viennese innovator of what he called the “telegram style” of writing. Inspired by the prose poems of Charles Baudelaire and the Feuilleton – a light journalistic reflection of his day – he carved out a spare, strikingly modern aesthetic that speaks with an eerie prescience to our own impatient time.  He lived in Vienna from 1859 to 1919.

Short story writer, playwright, poet and translator, Peter Wortsman, the son of Viennese émigrés, likewise favors brevity.

This event is FREE of charge. Since space is limited we kindly ask you to register to be admitted

More information HERE.

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ForeWord Reviews Magdalena Tulli's In Red

Magdalena Tulli’s new literary novel reads like poetry, replete with metaphor, unique syntax, and intriguing images. The author’s inventive and graceful language lends this work the feel of a fable in which readers are whisked to a…world where one almost expects to see fairies and wizards…In the heyday of vampire mania, it is especially delightful to read a text that simultaneously captures the magical and the banal so beautifully.

Bracha Goykadosh from ForeWord Reviews re: In Red

The whole review HERE.